Whether you are looking for a new home or are designing your own, creating a safe and cozy environment for you, your family, and your pets is crucial. Are your animals truly comfortable in your home? As you place a new eye to home design, take a pet-friendly look out. Especially if you live in a small studio apartment, finding the room your pets need can be a challenge. Take a look at the following tips to create a small, pet-friendly space.


To start, be mindful of the fabrics that you are using in your home. If you have upholstered furniture, choose materials such as faux leather and ultrasuede. Not only are they vegan- and earth-friendly materials, they are easy to clean and maintain in the long-term. When you choose new wallpaper or paint colors, look for those with easily wipeable surfaces. There are plenty of options, especially for parents and pet owners. If you have other ideas or are looking at other materials, speak to a home improvement expert to get more personalized advice.


Invest in pet-friendly cleaning supplies. Although this has nothing to do with furniture or decor that makes a room look bigger, a small space can feel even smaller when powerful chemicals are choking the breath from the room. You may not have access to a window in some rooms of your apartment, so being picky about cleaners is important. Fortunately, there are plenty of pet-friendly cleaning products on the mainstream market.


Changing your home’s flooring? Carpet, as soft and cozy as it can be, is far from a pet-friendly option. It can be a challenge to clean away pet odors and accidents, and very few carpet types are claw-proof. These best types of flooring for a pet-friendly home are tile and vinyl flooring. And, in the end, you may have to find a more pet-friendly apartment in Eugene. Especially if you are a pet parent or your pets mean enough to you that you are making significant changes, finding a new apartment could be something in the cards for your situation.


If you feel like you are lost for ideas for creating a pet-friendly living space, consult with your veterinarian. Speak to friends and family with animals, especially those in similar situations. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to make your home safe and friendly, especially for the furry children that need us the most.