The classification and function of buy fluke multimeter are what most friends want to know at present. As a manufacturer of buy fluke multimeter, this paper also makes a detailed interpretation from four categories and six functions. In this process, we hope to improve everyone's understanding of buy fluke multimeter.

buy fluke multimeter classification

Classification according to structure and cooling medium, connection mode, function and use.

1. According to the structure and cooling medium, it is divided into hollow type, iron core type, dry type, oil immersed type, etc. Dry hollow buy fluke multimeter, dry hollow buy fluke multimeter, oil immersed core buy fluke multimeter, oil immersed hollow buy fluke multimeter, clamped dry hollow buy fluke multimeter, winding dry hollow buy fluke multimeter, cement buy fluke multimeter, etc.

2. By connection mode: buy fluke multimeter in parallel and buy fluke multimeter in series.

3. By function: current limiting and compensation.

4. By use: Broken down by specific use, For example, current limiting buy fluke multimeter, filtering buy fluke multimeter, smoothing buy fluke multimeter, power factor compensation buy fluke multimeter, series buy fluke multimeter, balance buy fluke multimeter, ground buy fluke multimeter, arc suppression coil, incoming buy fluke multimeter, outgoing buy fluke multimeter, saturation buy fluke multimeter, self-saturation buy fluke multimeter, variable buy fluke multimeter(Adjustable buy fluke multimeter,, Controllable buy fluke multimeter), yoke buy fluke multimeter, series resonance buy fluke multimeter, parallel resonance buy fluke multimeter, etc.

The functions of buy fluke multimeter mainly include:

1. Light no-load or light load line capacitance effect to reduce power frequency transient overvoltage;

2. Improve the voltage distribution of long-distance transmission lines;

3, light load as far as possible to balance the line reactive power, to prevent unreasonable flow of reactive power, while reducing the power loss on the line;

4. When the large unit is in parallel with the system, the power frequency steady-state voltage on the high-voltage bus is reduced to facilitate the synchronous parallel operation of the generator;

5. Prevent self-excited resonance from long line generator; fluke multimeter when the neutral point is small reactance grounded.

Of course, in the application process, you can also use a small buy fluke multimeter to compensate the interphase and relative ground capacitance of the line, accelerate the automatic extinguishing of the secondary power supply current, and it is easy to use. So the above is all the content we buy fluke multimeter manufacturers for you to share, I hope you can serve as an important reference basis!

buy fluke multimeter