You may run the best company in the world but if you don’t have reliable, hard-working, happy employees working hard behind the scenes then you are not going to get anywhere. 


Without good HR consulting VA and a plan in place to keep employees feeling respected and happy, you could lose them in droves. That is a very real problem for many companies, even those who try hard to keep their workers feeling respected and happy. 


There are many reasons why companies lose good employees and you should know them all - so you can avoid them. It’s about more than just human resources. Instead, it relates to a number of very important, pivotal ideas that every business owner should know. 


So, what are some common causes why businesses lose their best employees?


No Growth: Someone isn’t going to stay with a company that doesn’t give them a path forward and room to grow. 


A worker wants to know that possibilities are waiting for them. They want to know that if they wish to achieve more, they can. So if a company doesn’t make it clear that there is room to grow, they will likely head for the exits. If a business wants someone to feel valued and respected, it will give them the ability to achieve even more. 


Bad Management: All employees want to have bosses they can turn to. They want people they can trust, rely on, and feel guided by. Bad management comes in many forms but it’s almost always a surefire way to lose employees, even those who have been loyal for so long. 


Bad management will make people feel undervalued, underappreciated, and unmotivated. Taken together, this can turn even the best employee into someone who wants to take off as soon as possible. 


No Work-Life Balance:  If an employee is spending too much time working and not enough time living, they will grow unhappy at their job and want to leave. This is another way to ensure the loss of good employees. 


A smart HR team will enact rules that prevent people from working at home or off the clock. They will recognize that everyone needs their downtime and a company would be wise to make sure they get it. 


No work-life balance is a very fast way to lead to employee burnout, which is one of the top reasons people quit. Therefore, it’s essential that a business and its HR team are positive that workers are getting enough time off and not feeling drained or taken advantage of. 


If a company wants to keep doing well, they need to keep the team together. Sadly, there are many obstacles out there that could prevent that from happening. But with a trusted HR consulting firm, some good planning, and action, that can be avoided.