Promise Rings For Couples is a long-standing tradition that goes back to ancient times. The engagement ring was still a symbol of the bride receiving her dowry at that time, but the symbol evolved into the romantic symbol we are familiar with today.
 The engagement ring signifies the promise of marriage, and it represents commitment and devotion to the beloved partner.
 The shape of the ring itself conveys its meaning. It is circular - without end or beginning - and consequently became a universal symbol for unending love and loyalty, the perfect and eternal.
 The story of the engagement ring's history through time, from the beginning to today
 The meaning of the engagement ring has changed and again throughout the course of its history from ancient times to the present day.
 In ancient times, it was believed that the finger rings were a direct link to the heart. The ring would be placed on the left hand of the beloved one, on the side of their heart, as an expression of love forever and commitment.
 Rings for women were handed out to promise marriage as early as the Middle Ages. This was taken so serious that it was prohibited for women to wear rings for fun.
 Later the twin rings became trendy. A pair of rings that can be worn together. The man had the ring on until his wedding. He then gave it to his bride who wore it as a wedding ring.
 An engagement ring is an integral part of the announcement of weddings. In Germany it is customary that only the bride wears an engagement ring. The man is usually the one who picks and buys the engagement ring.
 Engagement ring The ring that represents individuality, tradition, and significance vs. price
 In Germany the importance of the ring is more significant than in other countries where the value of the ring is dependent on the income of the individual.
 The choice of material the diamond's size and the significance behind the ring are important elements for women however, the uniqueness of the rings and its significance is still the main focus.
 The traditional meaning of the ring is important to most wearers who wear it to symbolize their unending devotion to their spouse.
 Engagement rings - still trendy?
 Giving engagement rings is still trendy. This is a relatively new trend for the majority of classes. In the past, giving engagement rings to couples looking to marry was a tradition only reserved for aristocrats, or wealthy members of the upper classes. A ring for engagement made of precious diamonds and metals was too costly for ordinary people.
 With the economic boom in the 1950s, salaries increased and more and more men could afford to give their beloved a beautiful engagement ring. The custom of the upper class is now a common engagement ring. Since the 1970s, the number couples where at least one of the partners wears an engagement ring has been steadily growing.
 The trend of the engagement ring, in which the man surprises his partner by proposing, has continued unabated to this day. In the past, it was quite usual for the man to wear an engagement ring, too. Over 90% of people present engagement rings as gifts, but they receive them on their wedding day.
 Celebrity couples are wearing extravagant rings and unusual engagement ceremonies to ensure this romantic tradition does not disappear so quickly. Young people love to copy the habits of celebrities and therefore, the next generation is likely to continue the tradition of engagement rings.
 Engagement ring, why?
 Why an engagement ring? This question is asked again and again by men who are not aware of the traditional meaning and emotional value of an engagement ring. Here are five good reasons to pay what appears like a fortune for an engagement ring that has diamonds.
 Rings for engagements are bought by men because they are romantic and unique. If you're completely confident about your partner, you will typically never have to purchase an engagement ring again;-)
 The main reason for women to date A lot of women are: Everyone - in fact everyone in your circle of acquaintances and friends will be completely enthralled by the dazzling shine of the (not not so tiny) diamond...
 Quote from your partner: "Do you always have to ask questions like that Why? Can't you just be romantic once in a while?!"
 1,000 euros (for the ring) divided by the anticipated number of years together that are ahead of you (many! ) Oh, cool that's only a few euros per year!
 Peer pressure: all the women in your circle have or will soon be wearing engagement rings.